
Conversation opened. 391 messages. All messages read.

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26 Oct 2019, 19:23

to me

What is a crime?

WHat was that book?

HUnger, Fear, I want to take a shit.

Write a book about a crime.

Not to be.

Build that giant glass

With skill, and luck...

one and two small crimes.

What does it feel like a monstrous one?

Not to be

There's not rugh.

Build a glass ball

that's why i panic when


27 Oct 2019, 23:55

to me

Desde que eu não seja muito amado, ta tudo bem.


28 Oct 2019, 09:09

to me

So o amor que se mereca


29 Oct 2019, 14:47

to me

O pouco amor que se mereca


29 Oct 2019, 14:54

to me

O pouco amor que mereço


29 Oct 2019, 14:55

to me

O pouco amor que se merece


31 Oct 2019, 00:53

to me

O giroscópio que não gira pra traz

O prato do tamanho da fome


31 Oct 2019, 23:15

to me

Um prato de feijão de fome

Seis a oito horas de sono

Um salvo de veneno ou mistério

O amor que se merece


3 Nov 2019, 15:57

to me

What I cannot support in myself is that i think im so fantastic


5 Nov 2019, 09:43

to me

Thoughts that hurt in the eyes


5 Nov 2019, 22:48

to me

O motivo pelo qual o teatro e a forma de arte mais brutal eh justamente porque eh a experiência mais compartilhada


6 Nov 2019, 08:02

to me

To write about your own eyes: transferência


8 Nov 2019, 19:56

to me

I did physco analysts for 25 years. Straight 25 years with the same analysts. Thing is when you talk with someone for 25 years you kind have him inside of you. I hate him.


14 Nov 2019, 12:58

to me

O que aconteceu com o pascal?

O jeito que tu olha para alguma coisa define quem tu eh


14 Nov 2019, 18:23

to me

What gives me hope is my increadeble capacity to achar minha desgraca interisting


14 Nov 2019, 18:32

to me

Its where the way we look at things meet identity that ideology shows in...

Phsycolanalysis is ideological because the way we look at thing defines identity...


28 Nov 2019, 22:01

to me

Don’t look to the stars


29 Nov 2019, 23:18

to me

And since when brutal desires are to be trusted?


3 Dec 2019, 22:54

to me

There’s a horrible price to be paid for collective experiences


5 Dec 2019, 06:58

to me

Ser brasileiro eh gostar de gente


8 Dec 2019, 06:47

to me

When the spell was broken i ran away


12 Dec 2019, 00:53

to me

A agua correndo pelas calcadas quando chove forte em porto alegre


12 Dec 2019, 21:21

to me


12 Dec 2019, 21:22

to me

You learn things over and over

On Thu, 12 Dec 2019 at 21:21, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ wrote:


29 Dec 2019, 11:54

to me

All culture is a giant lie about the fairness of the world...


29 Dec 2019, 17:19

to me

But all miss these lies (dont we all want to sing along) and we resent that they are not true. We wanna make them true..?


2 Jan 2020, 17:27

to me

Every true we say implies an universe


2 Jan 2020, 17:47

to me

Every true we say implies an universe

I mean it as a bad thing...


2 Jan 2020, 17:58

to me

To my point

Every true we say implies an universe,

We mean as a good thing

I mean it as a bad thing


2 Jan 2020, 18:05

to me

Chega mais perto e contempla as palavras.

Cada uma

tem mil faces secretas sob a face neutra

o (esse) poema tem uma face neutra que esconde mil implicações não neutras

O homem tem mil faces não neutras que o narrador esconde numa face NEUTRA

E as consequências não são obvias...


2 Jan 2020, 18:11

to me

‘ O canto não é a natureza

nem os homens em sociedade.’



4 Jan 2020, 11:28

to me

Being a man is being in a constant state of humiliation

Mariani alvaro (alvaro.mariani@gmail.com)


4 Jan 2020, 11:47

to me

Things is to find it funny


6 Jan 2020, 20:59

to me

Eu so privilegiado o suficiente pra poder ouvir bon iver


6 Jan 2020, 21:43

to me

Maybe reading auster is like dreaming that you know youre in a dream


6 Jan 2020, 22:10

to me

Lucid dream


10 Jan 2020, 09:11

to me

I live with the continence that if i would not have get all that help, what peace of shit I would be...


10 Jan 2020, 09:14

to me

Eu vivo com a consciência de que, se eu não tivesse tido tanta ajuda, que pedaço de merda eu ia ser


10 Jan 2020, 14:56

to me

Im this better dressed version of my father


10 Jan 2020, 21:57

to me

In think i start reading literature i will not survive


16 Jan 2020, 23:50

to me

Pscicoanalysis is a fantastic experience but so it’s alcohol


18 Jan 2020, 08:54

to me

The reason we don’t realize we are dreaming when we are dreaming is because we also dream during the day


20 Jan 2020, 21:07

to me

Why is that that it is so pleasant to do things ‘out of time’. Like kids to play when they should be sleeping or just being so late to work that you feel free


24 Jan 2020, 09:17

to me

On Friday an image came in full form, but then i have wait until Wednesday


26 Jan 2020, 15:52

to me

I remember going around in a park i have forgotten about.


26 Jan 2020, 16:32

to me

While i was running: froM things (efforts) i did before i knew it


28 Jan 2020, 18:45

to me

Annual review: the unbelievable power of the woods


28 Jan 2020, 19:05

to me

Auctor: they see themselves defending a space in a system of equivalent spaces (like a circle around each person) while we see it as a simbioses of spaces where we occupy each other mutually.


29 Jan 2020, 07:42

to me

We judge ourselves, to be loved..


29 Jan 2020, 08:38

to me

I am nothing,

I will ever be nothing

I can only be nothing


29 Jan 2020, 08:42

to me

Aside it, i carry all the dreams


29 Jan 2020, 09:12

to me

‘Se eu casasse com a filha da minha lavadeira talvez fosse feliz’


29 Jan 2020, 18:45

to me

She was just paying by my side in ah


7 Feb 2020, 17:48

to me

I wonder if renato knew he was going to live in this world of when you make a step forward in one dimension in another you may have taken one back


11 Feb 2020, 01:58

to me

What is this relationship?


11 Feb 2020, 06:47

to me

The moral levels of 1st world and 3rd world


12 Feb 2020, 13:29

to me

The role of violence in the greek...


23 Feb 2020, 20:45

to me

So for a long time i treat theoretical knowledge as teological knowledge


23 Feb 2020, 20:48

to me

Like trues not as things belonging to reality


3 Mar 2020, 23:46

to me

Eu provavelmente vou queimar a minha língua mas eh impressionante quantas coisas que a gente diz que se ta simplesmente repetindo o que se ouviu


3 Mar 2020, 23:48

to me

Falar eh repetir algo que se ouviu


11 Mar 2020, 21:08

to me

I am?


14 Mar 2020, 15:40

to me

That book, it is a call for what?


14 Mar 2020, 20:58

to me

Sera que foi o contato com o blabla marxista que me fez ver qualquer teoria como inconsequente e desconectada da realidade


23 Feb 2020 at 20:45


21 Mar 2020, 11:53

to me

Tu sabe quando tu ta eh contato com a verdade quando te da ancia de vômito


21 Mar 2020, 17:28

to me

Eu sou um erro


27 Mar 2020, 13:04

to me

Remember ‘the future’ ?


28 Mar 2020, 13:44

to me

Is there an ‘optimal level of optimization ‘?


28 Mar 2020, 14:53

to me

When you have a conscience you don’t have a choice.


29 Mar 2020, 12:11

to me

Porque eu esqueci do Betinho? Porque ele não tinha nada pra mim..


30 Mar 2020, 21:14

to me

On the presence of god, remember it doesn’t make sense


2 Apr 2020, 10:57

to me

Não é achar que somos todos humanos alienado?


10 Apr 2020, 00:11

to me

‘At one second per second’


15 Apr 2020, 22:15

to me

Qual a alternativa a covardia?


21 Apr 2020, 21:44

to me

That night with m. I could write a short story about why/where that ‘hesitation’ comes from.


25 Apr 2020, 18:59

to me

The doubt is part of the knowledge


26 Apr 2020, 10:43

to me

Writing sounds destructive


26 Apr 2020, 10:45

to me

The intuition of desire


28 Apr 2020, 16:45

to me

Like once upon a time we learned that we should take care of our lives and not do revolutions (they always started in a bar/ most finished in bar)

Maybe. Or maybe thats just harder then we though?


3 May 2020, 07:16

to me

So i love in the fantasy of making real something i will never make real. To say ‘batalhar’ is to accept i will be always impotent. And you can feel in this ‘was of speaking ‘ a goodness in you. All i have in reality is this one-sentencers. The only hope is to collect them like little minuscule peaces of paper. There’s a monster. I can never face the monster. There’s no point of running from the monster because i am the monster.

I all can do is to live in this underground. Hiding. To leave to is to fight for these 5 minutes of fresh air.

I is literally insanable.

Thats the moment where one solance in the mad king. At first lost in power he’s abandoned by these things that, inside of him, where the pillars of his being. And when he was not abandoned he abandoned these things.

‘I will not go mad. I will not go mad.’


3 May 2020, 07:21

to me

To define psicoanalysys as everything is a bit cheating.


3 May 2020, 17:56

to me

I feel outsized. Everything falling apart around me and its just beyond what i can do


7 May 2020, 22:20

to me

Um filme de guerra em que os brasileiros sejam os inimigos


10 May 2020, 21:50

to me

Nothing my lord. Honor de dead. Dead are silent. Silence speaks.


13 May 2020, 16:59

to me

‘I will lose SOME sales and my boss wont be happy’


15 May 2020, 00:13

to me

Quem te inventou?


17 May 2020, 00:34

to me

‘A força moral da poesia’

Mariani alvaro (alvaro.mariani@gmail.com)


22 May 2020, 09:58

to me

Like to think, fear to feel


22 May 2020, 09:59

to me

Because of these horrible feelings i know....


22 May 2020, 12:27

to me

To think is not to be moral


23 May 2020, 11:41

to me

Viver como desenhar numa matriz


25 May 2020, 16:10

to me

is there curiosity without ilusion?


27 May 2020, 08:48

to me

While trying to solve the problem of its own death...


27 May 2020, 11:03

to me

Multiplicação eh a primeira forma de meta data


27 May 2020, 14:13

to me

People know what they lived.

Mariani alvaro (alvaro.mariani@gmail.com)


28 May 2020, 20:33

to me

Racismo a gente sempre descobre um novo


29 May 2020, 22:32

to me

Nem sempre, quando eu faço uma crítica dura a mim mesmo, eh pra me amolar


30 May 2020, 10:38

to me

To some level, the way you look is a tribute to other people. To another level, its a treat


30 May 2020, 11:20

to me

1 i am going the man that puts the letters in dog shit trash

2 The name of this man is not coward outside the mito

(What is freedom?)


30 May 2020, 11:25

to me

3 the ‘number 8’ strategy is a way to participate and withdraw from the game at the same time


30 May 2020, 11:27

to me

4 the ‘ number 8’ strategy makes that any goal made is never mine and every goal made to be mine


2 Jun 2020, 22:51

to me

Estratégia jason bourne


2 Jun 2020, 23:03

to me

I do it (believe in you) because its a summer night, and I don’t wanna suffer...


4 Jun 2020, 19:14

to me

Something that your own shadow doesn’t allow you to see...


6 Jun 2020, 17:54

to me

Não é verdade que concordando tudo pode. Tu sabe quando tu passou do limite...


7 Jun 2020, 14:56

to me

Não so um consegue intuir que a terra gira em volta do sol como consegue ver nisso a forma de deus


12 Jun 2020, 09:29

to me

This system ‘around’ me


12 Jun 2020, 19:28

to me

Eu continuo descendo esse poco na esperança de achar o fundo


21 Jun 2020, 23:24

to me

Em que sentido aprender a se perdoar eh uma atitude moral?


22 Jun 2020, 13:44

to me

Porque Porto Alegre não pode (mais) existir.


27 Jun 2020, 14:47

to me

Serio, mistério, vem ser burro na paixão!


28 Jun 2020, 12:19

to me

A rational explanation can be a story, or not a story (like poorer lives bcs we live more). A rational explanation that is not a story hurts our capacity to deal with pain.


28 Jun 2020, 12:30

to me

Story is like earth around the sun


29 Jun 2020, 11:20

to me

Riky gervais, os maias, gidiao, o pai que segue a vida de playboy, a honestidade na política...


29 Jun 2020, 11:21

to me

A tabacaria


20 Jul 2020, 15:01

to me

Não eh preciso idolatrar a duvida. Ela eh uma boa conselheira.


29 Jul 2020, 12:12

to me

A beleza da igualdade e a beleza da hierarquia


3 Aug 2020, 11:24

to me

Flat screen não ajuda porque quando tu cresce, tu quer saber quem tu eh...


10 Aug 2020, 11:00

to me

Suspension of judgement as a cultural artefact...


10 Aug 2020, 11:01

to me

Psiconalys of judas


13 Aug 2020, 16:24

to me

Rita ‘a desesperança eh um sentimento reacionário’


14 Aug 2020, 23:04

to me

I am, talking to you. And sometimes there will be them. They.


16 Aug 2020, 18:02

to me

Não tem nada que eu tenha mais medo do conhecer a história. Eu tenho medo do que eu vá encontrar.


16 Aug 2020, 18:52

to me

A sala de cinema era uma igreja


19 Aug 2020, 08:04

to me

There were all the horrible things happening. And they were real and they would keep happening. And that broke the transference.


22 Aug 2020, 17:29

to me

Moral e se preocupar com o que os outros pensam, etica eh se preocupar com o que eu penso.


2 Sept 2020, 23:17

to me

I see all these gates that protect me


5 Sept 2020, 09:39

to me

Não eh que eu negue meu racismo, eh que meu machismo eh muito mais viceral.


12 Sept 2020, 12:12

to me

O segredo da felicidade eh nunca olhar para as estrelas


17 Sept 2020, 21:42

to me

From Tarkovsky to primo, we always hurt ourselves...


9 Oct 2020, 21:21

to me

Maybe everyone has a desese.

Something you want to much of


10 Oct 2020, 14:10

to me

Uma vida vale muito mais que um poema

Mas um poema eh muito mais barato que uma vida


22 Oct 2020, 00:36

to me

Será possível alguém viver uma vida que não mereceu?


22 Oct 2020, 00:48

to me

Hoje ventava muito

O vento se sente

Mas pouco se sabe do ele tras


23 Oct 2020, 17:35

to me

Maybe we’re learning


28 Oct 2020, 20:58

to me

Eu tenho medo do Brasil


1 Nov 2020, 09:35

to me

I feel like half cooked food


2 Nov 2020, 00:37

to me

Eu também, finjo não sonhar


4 Nov 2020, 14:12

to me

We don’t know how serious a situation is


6 Nov 2020, 12:04

to me

Im always afraid to lose the notion of time


8 Nov 2020, 00:21

to me

Eu tava tão sozinho quando eu entrei na faculdade


8 Nov 2020, 15:52

to me

Manhatan and willan bart use the same argument

( why i dont blame shakespeare for the same?)


12 Nov 2020, 08:43

to me

Where will i attack


17 Nov 2020, 07:56

to me

Alguem pode apreender a ter coragem?


20 Nov 2020, 22:30

to me

I could probably live under a king


21 Nov 2020, 11:11

to me

Its like dutch people are suspicious of any meaning things may have. Suspicious of beauty in itself.


23 Nov 2020, 15:37

to me

Racismo eh se identificar não com a gente eh mas com o que a gente quer ser


3 Dec 2020, 00:36

to me

Nobody thinks of a judgment, from me to you, as a gift...


9 Dec 2020, 20:40

to me

Can I emulate being a good person?


12 Dec 2020, 11:58

to me

How to kill the walk monster


14 Dec 2020, 19:07

to me

You hurt me, so feel good because i can no long feel guilt (why not) and you want me to hurt you so you can feel the same.


9 Feb 2021, 08:42

to me

What’s the point of knowledge?


9 Feb 2021, 10:50

to me

Tentando fazer alguma coisa com os meus defeitos


11 Feb 2021, 22:30

to me

I wanna try to explain you how is life when you don’t believe in god


16 Feb 2021, 14:42

to me

Live your entire life as a hipotesis


8 Mar 2021, 08:19

to me

When the little machine of sense breaks


25 Mar 2021, 08:05

to me

The secret is to live in a parallel dimension


27 Mar 2021, 09:56

to me

You can face yourself, and lose.


27 Mar 2021, 12:26

to me

Cassandra time


27 Mar 2021, 17:03

to me



8 Apr 2021, 22:12

to me

Sonho com bolsonaro:

Ouveram confusoes serias (foi depois que eu descobri que não teria restituição do ir).

A certo momento fica claro que na minha casa não foi serio, apenas uma bagunça (nos degraus da escada) que era ‘necessária’. Implicito que pra outros a ‘bagunça’ foi seria e para mim não.

De alguma forma, essa bagunça ‘controlada’ no meu caso e implicitamente descontrolada em outros era parte de um ‘organização’.

Reconhendo essa ‘organização’ eu ofereço a minha mão ao bolsonaro - que a aperta - e me vou.


Porque diabos essa monstruosidade vem ao consciente? Acho que nem for Fernando pessoa isso acontecia.


8 Apr 2021, 23:59

to me

Pessoa não está de ressaca das navegações?


12 Apr 2021, 22:20

to me

A um micro milímetro antes do nada tem alguma coisa que não é mais coisa e também não é nada.

O fio em si da balança.

Deus é tudo, até o não deus.


17 Apr 2021, 08:45

to me

Last, do no harm.


19 Apr 2021, 19:32

to me

i will do what i can<meaning<value/context/Cosmus

Indios conhecem a natureza~Cosmus ) filicídio


21 Apr 2021, 22:49

to me

Boa noite.

Pergunta: se duas pessoas estão atravessando uma ponte em uma noite estrelada. Mas estrelada mesmo. Sem lua e sem luz artificial pra atrapalhar.

Uma delas no meio da travessia olha pra cima, vê aquele céu perde o equilíbrio cai e morre.

A outra, antes de olhar pro céu ouve uma voz que diz - não olhe para as estrelas - e ela não olha e atravessa a ponte.

Pergunta: qual das duas pessoas viveu?


22 Apr 2021, 22:41

to me

I know. Sounds like a stupid question... maybe it is

‘Escravo cardíaco das estrelas..’

Im gonna be speaking English tonight

Let’s face: you middle high fancy paulista society you want it in English. You just don’t want to admit. You wanna feel you’re watching hbo, Netflix, disnney channel

Besides, well besides the language something is spoken helps us takes something more serious

Like carioca for example. Like ther day im hearing a podcast about out tax system. Sistema tributário brasileiro.

Eh um podcastzinho feito por dois pias Porto Alegrense. Mas o assunto era serio tu te prepara pra uma discussão seria.

‘E agora para nos introduzir ao tema da complexidade tributária no Brasil com a palavra doutou americo verspucio’

O cara era carioca. No que ele deu o boa noite: ‘boa noite. Sisstema tributArio’. Eu jah fui na carteira. So pra ver se tava ali. Da uma sensação sabe?. Tipo o cara era bom tu foca no conteudo mas...sotaque carioca sempre perde um pouco de seriedade.


26 Apr 2021, 01:44

to me

Mudando de saco pra mala.

Vocês jah pensaram como quando a gente diz uma coisa, o que significa eh bem mais do que foi dito.

Mas tipo, pega so a frase: ‘eu vou fazer o que eu posso’. Tipo, todo mundo sabe que se tu diz isso, no mínimo tem uma chance que não vai ser suficiente.

Tipo se tu ta jogando basquete na rua com os amigos. E o teu lado ali tu e mais dois ou três vcs tão perdendo. E vamos dizer que por acaso o Michael jordan ta sentado bem ali. Michael jordam ali ta nem olhando o jogo. Ai tu chega pra ele e diz oh Michael jordan me ajuda a ganhar essa pelada. Ele vira pra ti pega a bola e diz vou fazer o que eu posso?


26 Apr 2021, 18:12

to me

To read the most beautiful poetry, and not to believe it


28 Apr 2021, 22:33

to me

God will do some shit,no?


3 May 2021, 14:20

to me

When i avenge my father bcs my mother wanted to fuck you


6 May 2021, 11:57

to me

The right, the wrong and the stupid


6 May 2021, 12:13

to me

I decided to live alone

It’s easier

Like, you have to decide: i don’t want to live alone but I don’t want to give a f for what you think.

Yeah you. People. Society. The audience.

Like someone should tell you but you’re kind of a disaster.

Its bad. Its fucked up.

Take wood allen for example. Married his own daughter.

Read a book. Figured out he was going to die and no movies mean shit. Decides to marry his daughter.

I will give you a tip. You, the people. Don’t ask yourself if stuff is right or wrong.

That’s a hard question. Nobody knows. It was the adopted daughter of your wife you never saw her as your daughter. There my morality, thats society morality. Theres the morality of the tribes of the west africa. There’s the morality of the guy that wrote the book about the tribles of west Africa. There’s the morality of the translator of the book about the tribles of wes Africa.

Its a fucking nightmare. Like you the people, you can’t agree among yourselves shit.

I get it. At some point the guy sais: fuck this shit i will marry my daughter.

Now let me give you a better question: ask if something if stupid.


7 May 2021, 19:26

to me

O recentimento dos escritores que eu li e forma como eles criavam esperanças para acabalas


13 May 2021, 13:56

to me

If you’re smart, you never ask me to leave the room


14 May 2021, 12:45

to me

How you feel when it’s only you and the children, only your wife and children or it’s everybody together?


16 May 2021, 15:07

to me

Low ceilings problems


16 May 2021, 18:20

to me

Vitor hugo: “ir para o inferno pelo caminho do paraíso “


17 May 2021, 15:10

to me

What of conspiracy theories also grow as a function to the number of fabricates marketing ‘reality narratives’ we are exposed to in the internet


18 May 2021, 12:45

to me

Crisis is when histories and stories merge


19 May 2021, 08:01

to me

I knew, when I got it that that wasn’t the house I wanted to live


21 May 2021, 02:03

to me

Is so much better when someone is dead, you can make up what you want of her


21 May 2021, 10:00

to me

The true is something that crosses by you,and it belong to noone.

and i still can decide if its honarable or stupid to look for it...


22 May 2021, 16:26

to me

Quantas vezes que q gente pensa que ta seguindo um caminho a gente ta de abrindo um?


24 May 2021, 08:53

to me

Então para o lacan, tu não fala com uma pessoa mas fala com o ‘campo da linguagem’?


25 May 2021, 11:20

to me

Essa febre calada


25 May 2021, 21:53

to me

O pensamento, quando articulado em linguagem, eh a mesma coisa que falar alto?


27 May 2021, 00:14

to me

It is being unable to express that doesn’t let me sleep


27 May 2021, 08:23

to me

Fazer da queda uma queda


27 May 2021, 13:04

to me

Internet is a funny place being anonymous means you can have privacy in public


27 May 2021, 21:10

to me

As vezes eu me vejo raspando o fundo da panela dos meus anos de psicanálise


28 May 2021, 07:40

to me

Some wars are lost


30 May 2021, 12:34

to me

Pensar em suicídio pode ser um paco no caminho de tentar ser uma pessoa melhor


30 May 2021, 15:40

to me



1 Jun 2021, 22:11

to me

The magic of overcomplicated power point is to make you think ‘why else would anyone go over all this is it was not needed’


6 Jun 2021, 21:47

to me

Like a sex and the city frame of reference


7 Jun 2021, 17:09

to me

More then anything les miserable is the idea that the world is inhabited not by people but for standard characters so you can be smart enough to go around life trusting you your preconceptions


9 Jun 2021, 10:14

to me

Você acha que hierarquia eh importante?

Você acha que hierarquias são importantes?


10 Jun 2021, 09:20

to me

“Colocar tudo na conta de um ideal impossível de se realizar em qualquer aspecto que seja eh uma maneira covarde de não querermos nos responsabilizar pelos próprios desejos”

Guilherme Facci


10 Jun 2021, 20:45

to me

What if what I truly desire is to not to think about it?


11 Jun 2021, 10:54

to me

Combine the child and the outside world with the stars problem


12 Jun 2021, 12:16

to me

J’ne suis pas une persone je suis une voix


13 Jun 2021, 10:15

to me

What if your lover cheats you with a monster (is a monster?)


16 Jun 2021, 11:32

to me

For les miserable, the world has a perfect split between what and who is just and what/who is just and not. But life is confusing and full of misunderstandings (like when marius thinks what jean vj killed javair and while in turn he (god) saved him)


17 Jun 2021, 08:42

to me

To blame only the oven, isn’t it betrayal?


18 Jun 2021, 09:23

to me

A ingenuidade dos jornalistas brasileiros que não entendem um intelectual fazendo uma provocação ao defender a monarquia vs a minha negação que bloody roots era uma coisa real vestida de um olhar ingênuo.


18 Jun 2021, 12:32

to me

Vitor hugo te da desejo de morrer


19 Jun 2021, 21:15

to me

To experience physicoanalisys is to foreven doublt ones own thoughs


24 Jun 2021, 18:01

to me

Am gonna use zena as an excuse to do exactly what I want


24 Jun 2021, 18:02

to me

Is not to the fact that i am a bad person, its other’s people suffering is overwhelming to me


26 Jun 2021, 00:23

to me

Eu sei que vou tirar mais de um nesse dado

Eu acho que vou tirar mais de um nesse dado

Eu acredito que vou tirar mais de um nesse dado

Eu sei que a democracia é o melhor sistema de governo

Eu acho que a democracia é o melhor sistema de governo

Eu acredito que a democracia é o melhor sistema de governo

Eu acredito na democracia


Some wars are lost

Essa febre calada

Low ceilings problems

Last, do no harm.


Cassandra time

Where will i attack

Maybe we’re learning

Psiconalys of judas

A tabacaria

This system ‘around’ me

Estratégia jason bourne

Quem te inventou?

The intuition of desire

Writing sounds destructive

Remember ‘the future’ ?

Eu sou um erro

I am?

What is this relationship?

The reason we don’t realize we are dreaming when we are dreaming is because we also dream during the day

On Thu, 16 Jan 2020 at 23:50, Mariani alvaro <> wrote:


Pscicoanalysis is a fantastic experience but so it’s alcohol

On Fri, 10 Jan 2020 at 21:57, Mariani alvaro <> wrote:


In think i start reading literature i will not survive

On Sat, 26 Oct 2019 at 19:23, Mariani alvaro <> wrote:


What is a crime?WHat was that book?HUnger, Fear, I want to take a shit.Write a book about a crime.Not to be.Build that giant glass With skill, and luck...one and two small crimes.What does it feel like a monstrous one?Not to beThere's not rugh.Build a glass ball that's why i panic when


26 Jun 2021, 10:02

to me

People think if comunisms sucedes life will be not miserable. It will. If everyone has to eat and a roof we can all experience life’s misery in a different way


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30 Jun 2021, 08:24

to me

When you realize that all you have is your life then what you dont have, becomes what you have


2 Jul 2021, 12:04

to me

Its like im this horrible person trapped into a good person that others made of me


3 Jul 2021, 23:27

to me

He failed me, and he lost my time!


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6 Jul 2021, 13:46

to me

Books are the only thing you can do


6 Jul 2021, 14:24

to me

I mean reading


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7 Jul 2021, 13:29

to me

Not crying is a horrible proxy for courage


11 Jul 2021, 11:35

to me

What is your mind is structured in ‘roles’


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21 Jul 2021, 20:39

to me

The generic person


23 Jul 2021, 12:28

to me

Presenting my generic self


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24 Jul 2021, 04:13

to me

Its called a generic persona


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26 Jul 2021, 08:56

to me

Names cannot hold on to things…


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27 Jul 2021, 20:49

to me

So in one hands though is not an action and one should not be feel guilty to think things. On the other hand one is responsible for ones unconscious..

Even in the 1st part. Im not sure a thought cant be an action


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31 Jul 2021, 12:40

to me

se eu me digo que eu não me divorcio por medo de perder os meus filhos então mesmo que isso signifique uma morte interna então eu digo que existem dois bens e dois males:

- o bem de ficar junto e o mal da morte interna

- o mal da separação e bem o bem da vida interna

qualquer caminho que eu escolha e a estoria sobre esse caminho que fica pra eles eh o que importa?


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31 Jul 2021, 13:40

to me

There are these cases, like how many legs in a chair, than the structure of the problem is interesting but the answer never has pratical consequences. How do i know if something has pratical consequences?


31 Jul 2021, 15:44

to me

Mesmo se eu esperasse e me divorciasse depois a estória negra que eu vivi vive comigo e passa a ser parte de mim, me impedindo de viver outra coisa


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1 Aug 2021, 01:47

to me

A mãe ainda cita psicanalistas pra falar da vida


5 Aug 2021, 18:20

to me

Psicanálise eh um pouco como ciência, mesmo quando da errado a gente aprende alguma coisa


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6 Aug 2021, 13:31

to me

Catholicism is a system where we offset each other’s other sins while Protestantism we don’t


8 Aug 2021, 13:05

to me

O meu lugar na frase


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8 Aug 2021, 15:34

to me

Few things are scary that the tough that i could make things really better


10 Aug 2021, 01:32

to me

Feminist, and not for the sake of women


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15 Aug 2021, 17:34

to me

Living with too much perspective


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16 Aug 2021, 19:46

to me

I wish there was as a film about what we find beautiful through the eyes of racism


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21 Aug 2021, 00:28

to me

The presence of good on a sentence, the presence of good in full metal bitch


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25 Aug 2021, 11:41

to me

The Dutch way to not take serious anyone that thinks its best the others is better then any food you can eat in france


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29 Aug 2021, 20:25

to me

‘That’s what you do to thought with the shit you’ve started. You rationalize it!’

Jacky Brown


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1 Sept 2021, 13:16

to me

Things that you once truly believe will always exist


2 Sept 2021, 08:02

to me

And suddenly my ears open for what nobody is talking about


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3 Sept 2021, 08:23

to me

Maybe there are two forces: an identification force which pulls people to follow/learn from each other and an origination force that pull people challenge/differentiate from each other’s.


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4 Sept 2021, 10:32

to me

Maybe in the past someone would write a sort story which would at some point include sentences like ‘i could not sake the felling that something was forever lost’


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4 Sept 2021, 10:33

to me

growing up is losing things forever…


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5 Sept 2021, 23:24

to me

An entity, not an instance


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8 Sept 2021, 09:04

to me

The optimal is dirty


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8 Sept 2021, 09:05

to me

Is the ambiguity, the unclear rule, the case by case


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8 Sept 2021, 09:08

to me

Having a clear thought is a form of lying


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8 Sept 2021, 11:49

to me

I don’t believe in the inexistence of god..


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9 Sept 2021, 13:31

to me

Para aqueles que a vida é um engano


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12 Sept 2021, 13:18

to me

‘I have no business to be at all’ said sidney carton


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20 Sept 2021, 01:27

to me

Truth is just what you believe on


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20 Sept 2021, 10:43

to me

Quando alguém que tu ama não consegue fazer alguma coisa que eh importante pra vocês (to give you something) nao é melhor ser não compreensivo do que compreensivo ?


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12 Oct 2021, 08:55

to me

Não existe espaço pra simbiose em tempos de guerra


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14 Oct 2021, 10:57

to me

I don’t believe it in action


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16 Oct 2021, 22:59

to me

Even if i went to live in a forest by myself i would have the idea of hobson crusue with me. More them that, I would have the idea that real people out there have the idea of robson crusue. In mind mind, i could live in the idea of other real people of hobson crusue. And i know that real people believed in robson crusue, so it exists.


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26 Oct 2021, 08:27

to me

The best i felt was always with people very different from me


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26 Oct 2021, 10:30

to me

There’s more wheat then flower in a cake


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28 Oct 2021, 11:39

to me

Brave are the ones who are not pure


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28 Oct 2021, 23:24

to me

The brave are not pure


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2 Nov 2021, 13:30

to me

A corporation is an infantalizing structure


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5 Nov 2021, 22:48

to me

There’s something wrong when you look in the mirror


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8 Nov 2021, 10:12

to me

Life in an effort to learn (examined life)


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10 Nov 2021, 11:17

to me

When not only you but your friends realize you’re a ‘ifi’ person


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10 Nov 2021, 18:04

to me

Eu não posso morrer ainda

Eu só posso morrer quando tudo


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12 Nov 2021, 15:15

to me

When’re a ifi person you like to hang with ifi people bcs you don’t want to feel bad about yourself


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13 Nov 2021, 10:43

to me

Let me tell you who you (the public) are


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13 Nov 2021, 11:09

to me

Deus pode até existir, mas não é onipresente


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Mariani alvaro (alvaro.mariani@gmail.com)


18 Nov 2021, 09:29

to me

Was my hate for you that moved me forward


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28 Nov 2021, 17:14

to me

What is ‘the system’ in the greek world?


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17 Dec 2021, 15:07

to me

Its never clean if it comes from the inside


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18 Dec 2021, 12:45

to me

Eu não sei se o texto consegue projetar ideias. Mas se consegue, eh pelo framing e não pelo conteúdo.


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19 Dec 2021, 12:12

to me

What is war is a ritual. Because it brings death with order.


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22 Dec 2021, 16:07

to me

(Towards someone else) this thing that I call I


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26 Dec 2021, 09:36

to me

The absence of god has a shape. You see it every where principles failed.


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31 Dec 2021, 12:39

to me

As dúvidas que constroem as coisas?


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31 Dec 2021, 22:10

to me

Someone has to be the control group


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2 Jan 2022, 16:18

to me

Socrates tem bem mais a dizer sobre meeting que ducker


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3 Jan 2022, 11:24

to me

When you’re doing something, you value what you’re doing. Is that rational?


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3 Jan 2022, 18:58

to me

I prefer the devil to look ugly. And have horns.


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3 Jan 2022, 22:09

to me

Do we even know if we hate each other?


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7 Jan 2022, 23:29

to me

O verdadeiro invejoso consegue ter inveja de si mesmo


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13 Jan 2022, 07:51

to me

Os pessoas com quem eu trabalhei foram as pessoas que eu amei


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20 Jan 2022, 21:00

to me

I think if they had good news they would tell you


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22 Jan 2022, 16:09

to me

Value matters bcs everybody values who makes an effort and try hard instead of the beautiful or stronger, then everybody tries hard and make an effort


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30 Jan 2022, 09:51

to me

Mais do que uma vida examinada, nos queremos saber a nossa vida em relação a outras. Mais do que comparação, nos queremos saber se a nossa vida foi real. (Ou queremos saber a realidade da nossa vida)


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30 Jan 2022, 10:16

to me

We can find the good questions also by following the answers, but it’s much less fun.


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1 Feb 2022, 07:39

to me

How would I know what my eyes see?


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3 Feb 2022, 16:25

to me

We are other people


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3 Feb 2022, 16:32

to me

Being a villain is a desperate way to be in other’s people minds


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4 Feb 2022, 19:08

to me

There were also other creatures


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9 Feb 2022, 23:29

to me

I loved with all my heart

And half of it

I worked in thing that I loved and in

Other things

Now it time to go.

And i saw the world though a big enough fresta to me silent.


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22 Mar 2022, 19:27

to me

The tragedy of my life is that psicoanalysis actually worked


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3 Apr 2022, 07:01

to me

Rationality this muted voice


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3 Apr 2022, 08:13

to me

Rationality is this muted voice


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7 Apr 2022, 21:21

to me

Eu me dei conta de que o tecido social que eu faço parte se esfarelou. Como se lei da gravitação universal estivesse ao ponto de ceder. Não foi a melancolia foi o polo norte que derreteu e com ele todas as bússolas. Todas as histórias.


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8 Apr 2022, 15:34

to me

Tudo que morre não germina


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9 Apr 2022, 04:08

to me

Toda minha vida, o meu passado foi destruído. História passou rápido demais. O mundo é um enigma que não ama. A guerra veio de dentro como se eu fosse euvira.


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13 Apr 2022, 22:37

to me

We need a name for this. A name for this time so it all gets contained here and its not called life.


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22 Apr 2022, 11:05

to me

The voice of capitalism


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1 May 2022, 13:55

to me

Forever ashamed of myself


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3 May 2022, 04:53

to me

Os gatos que não bebem leite


A guerra, as mil e uma noites

Em uma

Em uma hora

Os gatos que não bebem leite

As pirâmides

As tuas mãos

As tuas mãos que se perdem

Os gatos que comem os pássaros


Os ratos e os vermes


Bendita eh a praga que não morre

Bendita o rato que se come


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3 May 2022, 23:13

to me

Eu tentei le o pessoa mas era

Como comer minha própria carne de tão ruim e sem interesse


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4 May 2022, 09:41

to me

A delicadeza de Rotterdam


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17 May 2022, 23:04

to me

The world is stupid and you have to sell


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17 May 2022, 23:09

to me

A hierarchy (many to one relationship) can be a good thing


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18 May 2022, 07:44

to me

Democracy is the horizontal political bound


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20 May 2022, 07:51

to me

Woody allen match point: be careful full the literals?


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24 May 2022, 09:17

to me

Something to be done


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26 May 2022, 19:13

to me

Show that it can be used to the bad


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27 May 2022, 08:37

to me

Democracy is the horizontal bound


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29 May 2022, 10:44

to me

The nobles want to be noble


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30 May 2022, 20:13

to me

Im not kinky im cruel (im I cruel because am not kinky)?


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15 Jun 2022, 21:17

to me

Do we like words define ourselves by differences?


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17 Jun 2022, 08:10

to me

Defects are necessary, defects are good


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18 Jun 2022, 13:51

to me

Talk to capitu


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18 Jun 2022, 14:01

to me

When I contemplate the meaninglessness of my live, im drawn to the safety of logical puzzles


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18 Jun 2022, 14:02

to me

Someone, actually makes all the difference


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18 Jun 2022, 14:30

to me

I am not gay I just know too much


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18 Jun 2022, 14:54

to me

In what sense is fantasy irrational


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19 Jun 2022, 12:22

to me

Bs is a social value that has little social value


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19 Jun 2022, 22:30

to me

No matter how much we want to, we don’t love people based on their performance


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20 Jun 2022, 14:59

to me

And money understands that


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24 Jun 2022, 08:05

to me

Purity and honesty are not the same


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25 Jun 2022, 13:12

to me

Falar eh um investimento em criar linguagem


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25 Jun 2022, 22:15

to me

In software the abstract is concrete


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26 Jun 2022, 15:47

to me

God is not judging you for your results, it’s judging your intentions


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27 Jun 2022, 06:35

to me

Are any of my friends hungry ?


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28 Jun 2022, 09:20

to me

Ah, voz de merda


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28 Jun 2022, 11:32

to me

I always identify with the vilan


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29 Jun 2022, 07:10

to me

The painfull birth of a global consciousness


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3 Jul 2022, 07:49

to me

Um filme sobre um mundo onde as pessoas so tem prazer


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14 Jul 2022, 22:07

to me

When I talk to myself I talk to an audience


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15 Jul 2022, 10:36

to me

O deus real


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20 Jul 2022, 18:29

to me

You can know a lot and still not know anything


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16 Aug 2022, 00:58

to me


Em Porto Alegre

Ate hoje

As calcadas

São infinitas


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16 Aug 2022, 01:02

to me

A esquina da morte


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27 Aug 2022, 13:18

to me

Eu trabalho pra fugir da realidade


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5 Sept 2022, 23:14

to me

Fiction and non-fiction pray for different gods


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6 Sept 2022, 14:59

to me

The feeling you’re actually moving the world


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8 Sept 2022, 12:08

to me

Mr. Stevens, I think I can kill you.


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10 Sept 2022, 18:40

to me

How many thousands of years can an idea survive?


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10 Sept 2022, 18:45

to me

That beautiful self tenderness in the end of infiel. Is it wise?


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24 Sept 2022, 10:54

to me

Every crime you believe you could commit makes you a super hero


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26 Sept 2022, 20:52

to me

The thing you don’t understand is because of things you didn’t accept


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27 Sept 2022, 13:42

to me

I would often not like what poetry was doing to me


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1 Oct 2022, 17:57

to me

When you’ve afraid of fighting someone, are you afraid of the pain and humiliation it may cause you or are you afraid of the forever connection it will build?


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3 Oct 2022, 16:38

to me

Hard is not to die for your country. Hard is to work and generate taxes.


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8 Oct 2022, 09:58

to me

See the walls as invitations


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8 Oct 2022, 18:40

to me

Im angry that I understand things in that language


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Mariani alvaro

10 Oct 2022, 01:42

Quem sabe a vida eh não sonhar


10 Oct 2022, 19:18

to me

The past was pure just because we were young (in the eye)


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14 Oct 2022, 01:05

to me

What happens when time dies?


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Mariani alvaro (alvaro.mariani@gmail.com)


19 Oct 2022, 00:54

to me

There used to be a time when the evil was weak.


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19 Oct 2022, 01:02

to me

Não a flores, nem fadas, nem afagos que apaguem a vergonha que senti. Pela primeira vez vergonha real


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19 Oct 2022, 01:26

to me

Did they chose the wrong path because it was right or the right path bcs it was wrong?


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19 Oct 2022, 09:54

to me

I want to run those paths that take nowhere


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22 Oct 2022, 09:39

to me

Ypu want to love someone that needs you


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24 Oct 2022, 14:18

to me

We like superior beings bcs of envy


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28 Oct 2022, 02:21

to me

The optimizers


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29 Oct 2022, 13:58

to me

“Loneliness is just the feeling that you can complete a thought because you can’t think by yourself (about yourself”


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29 Oct 2022, 14:00

to me

Which contract we gonna make me and you?


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2 Nov 2022, 22:21

to me

For someone to be something someone else has to not be that


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3 Nov 2022, 08:19

to me

Bete balanço eh um música sobre limites


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3 Nov 2022, 09:13

to me

Triangle is a word that defines itself


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6 Nov 2022, 13:09

to me

Mais que nada


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6 Nov 2022, 13:53

to me

I just want to go to church with a high sealing, and be one with god


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13 Nov 2022, 10:04

to me

Reading with 2 eyes


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13 Nov 2022, 12:43

to me

A gente faz as crianças fazerem um monte de exercícios pq eh muito difícil ensinar a parar e pensar


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14 Nov 2022, 08:14

to me

I try not to be reminded of all the reasons to kill myself


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18 Nov 2022, 04:11

to me

Everyone that you were is forever inside of you


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19 Nov 2022, 23:31

to me

How much of what we say are real thoughts and how much are like phrases that we carry inside of us


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23 Nov 2022, 08:46

to me

You want the train to move because time is moving


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23 Nov 2022, 13:05

to me

Suspecting my soul is rotten by capitalism


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24 Nov 2022, 20:37

to me

The truth is we can desumanize ourselves and still work


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24 Nov 2022, 22:49

to me

Every soul


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26 Nov 2022, 09:14

to me

Can we one ask what you think without asking who you are?


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26 Nov 2022, 09:27

to me

The freedom of being a forgotten life


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26 Nov 2022, 22:56

to me

The truth is like someone telling what really happened


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3 Dec 2022, 11:52

to me

Learn to hear faint voices


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8 Dec 2022, 17:35

to me

Nothing is more relaxing than real money


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8 Dec 2022, 20:32

to me

Whatever you do, it will have meaning, good or bad, bcs you did it?


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9 Dec 2022, 21:22

to me

“A galera”


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10 Dec 2022, 19:20

to me

Write down what do you (think) you mean to each person around you


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11 Dec 2022, 11:03

to me

Is it time itself thats makes something meaningful?


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11 Dec 2022, 18:35

to me

I have even forgotten… that i have done that